06 March 2010

All is not as it seems

Deseret News has done a poll showing over 3/4 of Salt Lake Valley residents feel that the Jordan District division and creation of Canyons School District was unfair. The poll result is not surprising when that's all the public has been told for the past two years by the media. If the media had done to our founding fathers what it has done to these modern day pioneers, George Washington, etc., would never have been able to split from Great Britain.

District administrators have also not been above arousing and inflaming the natural antagonism of one region against another to defeat any creation of a new school district. When it was proposed that Lehi split from the Alpine S.D., we were told Lehi would need a 40% tax hike while Orem would be able to lower their taxes. When Orem proposed dividing a couple years later, the district then said the opposite, that Orem would see a reduction in their funding.

Among many other things the public hasn't been told is that Jordan S.D. has MORE tax base per student than Alpine, Cache, Davis, Nebo, and Weber School Districts WITHOUT any extra! These districts are facing the same problems of growth with cuts in funding. Jordan administrators are using the current economic shortage to blame and scare people against dividing our huge Wasatch Front school districts, which would be the best thing we could do for education.

1 comment:

  1. This URL references the polls and KSL comments.

