17 June 2024

Special Session

Governor Spencer Cox has called the legislature into a special session to address the possibility of competing ballot initiatives. A bill has been sponsored by Rep. Brammer and Sen. Grover that would remove the option for the school board to put the issue on the ballot. This would mean the only options to split the district would be via a citizen petition, single-city, or an interlocal agreement. 

The best option for splitting the district should be with the local school board. However, given what has taken place on the Alpine School District board this year, it has become obvious that this presents a conflict of interest. Two board members (Ada Wilson and Mark Clement) have repeatedly and publicly stated their opposition to splitting the district. Yet they are also voting to advance a ballot initiative that they will be actively campaigning against. This is what is referred to as "bad faith".

The legislature should pass this legislation and Gov. Cox should sign it so voters can have clarity and honesty in the choices they will be deciding at the ballot box.

UPDATE: The bill passed unanimously out of committee, after comments from several people both for and against. Board member Julie King and several members of various city councils spoke in favor, while board members Ada Wilson and Mark Clement, among others, spoke against.

After an attempted amendment failed, which would have made everyone in the district vote on the matter, the bill easily passed both the house and senate. Read more in the Lehi Free Press article.

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