"It's obvious community members cannot be trusted to make the best decisions for students and education."
This was a comment posted today from someone who opposes any sort of school district division. And upon further reflection, perhaps this is actually getting down to the heart of the matter: Do we trust our local community?
Do we believe in government of the people, by the people, and for the people? Or has the American experiment failed? Are we just sheep that need to be told where to go and what to do? Or are we educated individuals with varying opinions, but shared values like integrity, responsibility, and liberty? If we can't trust that communities can make wise decisions, then do we start down a path that nationalizes education, eliminates democratic voting, and returns government to authoritarians?
Teachers are wonderful. Doctors are great. Scientists are brilliant. Politicians are .... hopefully trying their best. 😉 And all can contribute to a beautiful, flourishing society. But no one is perfect, all-knowing, or incapable of giving bad direction. We should never blindly follow someone just because they are an "expert in their field". Truly, if the "experts" can't demonstrate to the public that something is good, it probably isn't. Good ideas should never be implemented by force and if the community is paying for it, they should also be trusted to lead or make changes to it.
It's not unhealthy to have rigorous discussion, serious disagreements, and even embarrassing mistakes. What is unhealthy is to relinquish our agency, engage in vicious personal attacks, or presume mal intent.
We in Alpine School District have the opportunity to come together, support each other, and make a decision that will benefit generations to come. By dividing the school district we are letting the communities grow and thrive through self governance. This is the right path forward!
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